What is Oil Shale?


Published Mar 3, 2015 Updated Aug 27, 2015

Kiviõli Oil Shale Processing & Chemicals Plant in ida-Virumaa, Estonia

油页岩是沙子、淤泥、盐和一种叫做干酪根的不溶性有机物的混合物. Rock-like at room temperature, oil shale produces vapors and gases when heated, which in turn are condensed and turned into oil.

Oil shale shouldn't be confused with "shale oil," also called “tight oil,这是一种被困在石灰岩或砂岩中更常见的非常规石油.

因为油页岩需要开采和能源密集型的精炼过程, 这是一种比传统液体石油污染严重得多的能源. Estimates vary, 但是,将油页岩转化为汽油或柴油可能会导致比传统石油多三倍或更多的温室气体排放.

At present, 油页岩在世界大部分地区都不是一种商业上可行的产品, 因为同样的过程使它变得肮脏,也使它变得昂贵. In the United States, the largest oil shale deposits occur in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, but remain relatively untouched.

Environmental impacts of oil shale

Oil shale can be extracted via surface, underground, or "in-situ" mining, 在这个过程中,干酪根在地下被加热,然后被泵送到地面. 所有这些技术都比传统的液体油需要更多的能量, 其结果是产生更多的空气和全球变暖污染.

Water pollution is another concern, as spills, leaks, 采矿作业产生的径流可能会干扰地下水供应. 当提炼出来的石油被运送到炼油厂进行加工时, the trucks, trains, 而输送石油的管道也会对环境造成影响.

The solution: Half the Oil

减少美国的石油使用是比增加石油产量更好的能源解决方案, 特别是当这些产品来自像油页岩这样的能源密集型资源时. 更清洁的燃料和节能的汽车和卡车可以减少我们使用的石油量,并避免非常规石油的最坏影响,同时使司机受益, the environment, and the economy.

Meanwhile, 运营商和石油行业应该对与不同类型的石油生产相关的排放负责, 尽可能避免或减轻额外的排放和影响. 我们所使用的石油并不一定要来自最肮脏的非常规来源,比如油页岩, coal-to-liquid resources, or tar sands.

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