
2014年7月21日出版 2017年2月13日更新



自1975年以来, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has been the primary regulator of commercial nuclear power in the United States. This independent federal agency is responsible for nuclear power plant safety, 安全性和许可, 以及安全处理, transportation and storage of radioactive materials, 包括乏核燃料.



UCS is the nation’s most respected, authoritative nuclear power safety advocate. For decades, we have held the NRC’s actions (or inaction) up to public scrutiny. We have pressed the agency to enforce its regulations and brought our expertise to the commission and its staff, offering concrete proposals on how to address known safety and security shortcomings at the nation’s nuclear power plants.

Our nuclear power experts have worked on a non-partisan basis with Congress and the executive branch, urging them to provide appropriate statutory oversight of the NRC and to press the agency to better protect the public. Our experts provide ongoing analysis and commentary on the NRC’s safety performance through regular backgrounders and reports, 对应, 写评论, 以及国会和核管理委员会的证词.


While nuclear power safety regulation is legally a federal responsibility, the communities and states that host nuclear power plants have an essential voice and role. 事实上, 一旦发生核事故, the lives and livelihoods of the people who live close to these facilities will be most affected.

记住这一点, UCS定期与地方和州官员合作, 包括州议员, 县委员, 国家机构和市政官员, who share responsibility for public health and safety and are a crucial part of emergency planning and preparedness efforts. 此外, 州和地方官员, 以及他们所代表的公民, can and should be a powerful voice in persuading Congress and the NRC to address safety concerns that affect their communities.
