

事情发生的经过: Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that political appointees at the Census Bureau interfered with the 2020 census by altering technical aspects that could have caused inaccurate US population estimates.

为什么重要: Political officials tried to pressure bureau experts to jeopardize the collection and analysis of high-quality census data. By interfering with the methodologies that experts in the Census Bureau have developed to collect accurate data, 政治官员破坏了我们用来进行人口普查的程序.

2020年9月,人口普查局高级专家发送了一份报告 电子邮件 to the Department of Commerce with concerns that political appointees had “an unusually high degree of engagement in technical matters,,揭示了人口普查局的职业官员们 压力 by political appointees to alter numerous scientific and technical aspects of the 2020 census. 具体地说, political appointees pressed bureau experts to use of estimates to fill in missing population data – a methodology not supported by the 现有的最佳617888九五至尊娱乐 ——并迫使职业员工走捷径来破坏人口总数, 数据处理决策, 以及保护人口普查参与者的隐私.

Interference with the 2020 census exemplifies how the Trump administration frequently prioritized politics over science. 2020年人口普查的人口估计值用于重新分配, 在50个州中重新分配众议院选区的过程. 此外, the census exists as the single largest scientific undertaking of the US government and is 被所有经济部门所利用; the data is used to weigh and design sampling surveys that provide information for the medical industry, 企业主利用人口普查得出的信息来做出雇佣决定, and market analysis vendors repackage and augment this data when they provide materials such as consumer reports. 鉴于人口普查数据的重要性, there are likely few areas that would not feel the impact of low-quality census data. The Trump administration’s attempts to undermine the 2020 census could have additionally led to changes that misrepresented population estimates, exacerbating long-standing disparities observed in previous decades where communities of color were 更有可能被低估 比白人占多数的社区. This in turn will undermine the ability of communities of color to press their political officials to make needed changes at the local level by diluting the power of their vote.

这封邮件还强调了对特朗普总统的担忧 2020年7月总统备忘录, which stated plans to exclude undocumented immigrants from House reapportionment population estimates. When Bureau officials attempted to contact the Secretary for the Department of Commerce Wilbur Ross to express their science-based concerns, 罗斯没有回应,并声称他不知道总统的备忘录.

以前, political appointees tried to pressure career experts at the Census Bureau to include an additional 问题 在2020年关于公民身份的人口普查中, 我们之前强调过这个问题是对617888九五至尊娱乐的攻击. The intention behind adding this 问题 – which did not go through the normal rigorous scientific process for adding 问题s to the census – was to separately calculate the undocumented populations in each state; this type of 问题 had not been included in the US census since 1950. 要求人口普查参与者披露他们的公民身份可能会 对非法移民进行恐吓 who may choose to not participate out of fear, leaving wider gaps in data collection.

人口普查 提供了 periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation’s population and is guided by a robust scientific methodology. 人口普查数据不仅对社会617888九五至尊娱乐家来说是非常宝贵的资源, 但为生物医学617888九五至尊娱乐提供了基准比较数据, 癌症登记处, 以及环境危害评估. 通过降低2020年人口普查数据的质量, the Trump administration may have adversely impacted the fields of social and medical science for the next ten years or more.

The methods that underline the census requires objectivity in data collection and a commitment to the scientific method to produce credible census data. 政治任命危及代表性不足的社区的生计, 特别是在无证件社区, that could benefit from the census by the way of fair representation in the government and equitable distribution of federal resources, 相反,优先考虑政治利益的机会. 人口普查局有一个 责任 to develop their methodologies and processes in a way that 提供了 reliable data that accurately represents the nation’s population, 通过破坏政府的基本职责, the Trump administration codified a less scientifically census that will have major repercussions on political representation of communities across the nation, 特别是在有色人种社区和其他服务不足的社区.