



在过去的40年里,美国农业发生了很大的变化. 最大的变化之一是超大型农场日益占据主导地位, 这一趋势被称为耕地整合.

合并给许多农村社区带来了麻烦的后果. 这主要是以中型农场为代价的, 哪些在历史上是这些社区的经济支柱. 它减少了新农民的机会, 他们变得越来越稀少——这对黑人农民造成了打击, 已经在与结构性种族主义强加的多重障碍进行艰苦的斗争, 尤其严重.

在2021年的分析中, 失利, we looked at US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Census of Agriculture data from the years 1978 through 2017 to connect the dots between farmland consolidation and steep declines in the share of new farmers 黑人农民 in US agriculture.


Consolidation happens when large farms acquire land that formerly belonged to smaller ones. Government policies that have consistently favored larger farms—along with the competitive advantage granted by economies of scale—made consolidation into a pervasive trend across the country for nearly a century. 随着时间的推移, 这意味着农场经营数量的减少, 随着越来越多的土地被少数越来越大的农场所占据.


在我们研究的40年期间,美国的耕地面积下降了13%. But the amount of harvested cropland in large farms—those with more than 1000 acres—nearly doubled, 面积比加利福尼亚州还大. 同时, midsize crop farms (50-1000 acres) shrank to just half of their former number and acreage. 尽管小型农场(不到50英亩)的数量有所增加, 他们的总面积减少了, 表明它们的平均尺寸正在缩小.

正如研究总结的那样, “大型农场越来越大, 小型农场越来越小, 中型农场正在消失.”

Two graphs showing how large farms have taken over cropland at the expense of medium-sized farms

这些趋势在中西部地区表现得最为明显, 在哪里,大农场的收获面积增加了五倍多.



我们应该对日益加剧的整合感到担忧,原因有很多. 一方面,更大的农场意味着更少的人可以成为农民. Consolidation operates to make farming a more exclusive club—and this has the largest impact on groups that are already underrepresented.

Our study focused on how consolidation may be driving exclusion from farming for two populations: new farmers, 聚焦中西部地区, 黑人农民, 重点关注2017年黑人农民数量最多的16个州.


的能量, 创新, and initiative that new practitioners bring are crucial to the future of any profession—and farmers are no different. 在未来的几十年里,我们的食品系统将面临巨大的挑战, 我们需要展开, 多元化, 有创意的农民社区来应对这些挑战. 整合的方向完全是错误的.

在研究期间, 美国新农民的比例下降, 农民的平均年龄上升,尤其是在中西部地区, where the proportion of new farmers shrank by nearly one-third and their average age rose by a decade.

Both trends were more pronounced in counties where consolidation was happening fastest: in these counties, 新农民的比例下降速度快了56%, 农民的平均年龄增长了26%.

Line graphs showing the association between farmland consolidation and decline in new and young farmers


Farmland in the United States has always been highly concentrated among White male farmers and owners—but this has gotten worse, 而不是更好, 在过去的一个世纪. 1920年,黑人农民占美国农民总数的14%. 到2017年,这一数字已缩减至1.6%.

The same economic pressures that drive consolidation for all farmers have affected Black farmers as well. But systemic racism has amplified these pressures through discriminatory policies and laws. 举个例子, laws governing “heirs' property”—an informal system in which land is passed down through generations, 通常是多个共同的家庭成员, 没有遗嘱的黑人农民往往没有明确的农田所有权, restricting their access to credit and federal farm supports and leaving them vulnerable to losing their farms. 但是继承人的财产只是黑人农民被剥夺财产的方式之一, 美国农业部几十年来的系统性歧视都有充分的记录.

看看农地整合对黑人农民的影响, the study looked at the association between rates of consolidation and how states ranked in proportion of Black farmers. 合并速度较快的州往往在排名上有所下降, 这表明这些州的黑人农民正在以最快的速度失去土地.

Set of line graphs showing association between consolidation and percentage of Black farmers


获得农地就是获得政治和经济权力. 当这种权力集中在社会的一小部分人手中时, 社区遭殃:517888九五至尊娱乐机会消失, 人口减少, 物质和社会基础设施减弱.

历史上,中型农场一直是健康农村社区的基础. The decline of these farms in favor of larger ones has been called the “hollowing out” of US agriculture. 研究表明,更多的中型农场意味着更公平的收入分配, 更多的钱在当地经济中流通, 更多的公民参与, 以及更健康的社区社会结构.

The land itself feels the consequences of consolidation: growth in farm size is associated with landscape simplification, in which large-scale monocultures replace natural vegetation and more fertilizers and pesticides are required, 土壤健康退化,越来越容易受到侵蚀和617888九五至尊娱乐影响. 因为在大型农场中,更多的农田往往是租来的,而不是自己拥有的, there is less incentive to invest in measures to improve farmland for the long term by building soil health.




Policies that foster the growth of midsize farms can bring a cornucopia of benefits: healthier economies, 更健康的食物, 更健康的环境.


许多人认为土壤“就是泥土”,“但土壤是我们食物系统的基础, 照顾好它对我们的未来至关重要.


因为整合的驱动因素非常复杂, 我们需要协调一致的国家政策来解决这个问题.

我们的分析提供了一份详细的建议清单, 包括支持下一代农民的举措, 评估与市场改革和商品定价机制有关的政策, 以及立法来弥补对布莱克的伤害, 土著, 和其他有色人种(BIPOC)农民在过去几个世纪的歧视.

最终, 我们在经济上都有利害关系, 社会, 以及我们国家农业社区的环境福祉. Reversing the trend toward farm consolidation is a crucial step toward building a healthier, 更公平的, 更具弹性的粮食系统.
