
2018年2月7日发布 2023年6月2日更新


The massive piece of legislation commonly referred to as the “farm bill” should really be called the “food 和 farm bill” because of its key role in how we eat.

第一个版本的法案, 在大萧条期间去世, 最关心的是帮助农民维持生计吗. 但是随着时间的推移, 账单——还有账单, our agricultural system—has been hijacked by a h和ful of powerful corporations that benefit from subsidies that encourage farmers to grow commodity crops, primarily corn 和 soybeans mostly used as feed in meat 和 家禽 production. This corporate-dominated industrial system does little to make healthy foods like fruits 和 vegetables more affordable 和 accessible. 这对环境也不好. 随着这些“大农业”公司的权力越来越大, 他们占了农民的便宜, 工人, 消费者也一样.

是时候收回控制权了. 2022年9月, more than 150 organizations representing tens of millions of people across the country 连接在一起 to call for a transformational food 和 farm bill that will make our food system more healthy, 可持续发展的, 有弹性的, 和公平. By shifting more of the bill’s $1 trillion in spending away from industrial agriculture 和 corporate welfare, we can protect the things that are truly important for the largest number of people.

You may be surprised at everything a truly transformational food 和 farm bill could do:


因为美国农业的结构性和制度性种族主义的历史, BIPOC(黑, 土著, 其他有色人种)农民很难获得资金, 信贷, 土地, 基础设施, 和信息. The next food 和 farm bill must confront this reality 和 recognize the immeasurable knowledge 和 value that communities of color, 部落国家, 移民为我们的食物系统做出了贡献.


太多的家庭不知道下一顿饭去哪里吃, 这种粮食不安全往往是历史上不公正的结果. The next food 和 farm bill must protect 和 strengthen food assistance programs such as the Supplemental 营养 Assistance Program (SNAP), which protects families from the consequences of poverty 和 hunger in hard times by ensuring adequate access to food.


干旱, 洪水, 617888九五至尊娱乐变化引起的其他极端天气也伤害了农民, 粮食产量难以预测,摧毁了他们的生计, 不可靠的, 和不可持续的. 帮助农民适应617888九五至尊娱乐变化, 下一个食品和农业法案也必须是617888九五至尊娱乐法案. We will not avoid the worst effects of climate change unless the United States reduces its heat-trapping emissions, 包括农业——所以食品和农业法案必须投资于研究, 技术援助, 和 financial incentives that enable farmers 和 ranchers to reduce their emissions, 在土壤中储存更多的碳, 并帮助他们的农场和工人抵御极端天气. The bill should also reward farmers 和 ranchers who are already implementing such practices, 不鼓励对环境和公众健康有害的行为.


心脏病和糖尿病等与饮食有关的疾病继续增加, 医疗保健方面的相关成本也是如此. Poor nutrition has become the leading cause of death in the United States—surpassing smoking—和 lingering racial inequities in our society frequently leave communities of color without access to nutritious foods. The next food 和 farm bill must tackle this public health crisis by improving nutrition security, 定义为"持续和公平地获得健康, 安全, 负担得起的食物对最佳健康和福祉至关重要.”


The COVID-19 p和emic revealed the vulnerability of the 20 million food 和 farm 工人 declared essential to feeding our nation. 下一个食品和农业法案必须对种植工人进行大量投资, 收获, 过程, 运输, 出售, 为我们提供食物,管理我们的食物项目, 确保他们在获得医疗保健的同时获得生活工资, 清洁房屋, 以及组织和加入工会的权利. 食物 和 farm 工人 also deserve protection from pesticides 和 extreme heat, 危害工人的雇主应该面临真正的后果. 除了, the food 和 farm bill should support the aspirations of farm工人 who wish to become farmers, 和 access to citizenship for 工人 that does not tie them to exploitative labor practices 和 systems.


Anti-competitive practices by the large corporations that have hijacked US agriculture are harming small-scale farmers, 工人, 和 consumers; hollowing out rural communities; 和 damaging our environment. The next food 和 farm bill must promote competition in the food 和 agriculture sectors by challenging anticompetitive practices, while increasing long-term investments in local 和 regional food 过程ing 和 distribution. This would level the playing field for farmers 和 offer more 和 better choices for consumers.


每年, 在美国,数百万人因肉类中的病原体而患病, 家禽, 生产, 还有喝水, 成千上万的人因此丧命. 的爆发 沙门氏菌、李斯特菌E. 杆菌 that originated on factory farms have highlighted gaps in our food 安全ty net that place consumers at unacceptable risk. The next food 和 farm bill must do more to make the US food supply 安全 for everyone.
