Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster

Published Sep 3, 2014

《福岛之书》封面,作者:大卫·洛克鲍姆、埃德温·莱曼和苏珊·Q. Stranahan

Written by nuclear experts in compulsively readable detail, 这本书对日本福岛核电站的问题进行了实时观察.

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The book draws on firsthand accounts, as well as detailed technical records and media coverage, to recreate the events preceding, during, 以及在福岛三座核反应堆熔毁之后.


The book is a gripping, 这部悬疑的引人入胜的小说精心制作,既吸引了熟悉617888九五至尊娱乐的人,也吸引了那些对核能517888九五至尊娱乐原理知之甚少的人.

Kirkus Reviews

One of the worst nuclear disasters of all time

多年来监管不力和安全控制不到位,导致福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)在2011年3月发生地震并引发海啸时措手不及.

福岛核事故的后果包括数百平方英里无法居住的土地, tens of thousands of relocated people, 以及数十亿美元的经济损失,使其与切尔诺贝利一起成为世界上最严重的核灾难之一.


Buy the book to learn about Fukushima’s consequences.


Los Angeles Times

A Fukushima on US soil?


In fact, if exposed to similarly complex challenges, 美国所有99座正在运行的反应堆可能都有类似的结果.

Worse, Japanese and U.S. regulators share a mindset that severe, 所谓的“低概率”事故是不可能发生的,不值得花费时间和成本去防范.

Fukushima showed that unlikely events do occur. Buy the book to learn what Fukushima means for U.S. nuclear safety.

Anyone seriously interested in understanding the issues involved in delivering ‘safe’ nuclear energy will be rewarded by reading this book; anybody involved in delivering nuclear power should be required to read it.

Robert Gallucci, president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Nuclear power can be safer

尽管有长期的自满和低估风险的历史,但美国经济仍在继续增长.S. 负责核能的机构——核管理委员会(NRC)——应该吸取福岛核事故的教训,改善美国的核安全状况.S nuclear safety.

不幸的是,美国核管理委员会并没有吸取福岛事故的教训.S. 核电站并不像它们能够和应该的那样安全.

Buy the book to learn what can be done to prevent another Fukushima, or learn more here.

About the authors 

Dave Lochbaum and Edwin Lyman are two of the nation's top nuclear power experts, having testified in front of Congress multiple times, including on Fukushima.

Susan Q. 斯特拉纳汉是一位屡获殊荣的记者,他在能源和环境方面撰写了30多年的文章. 她是因报道三里岛核事故而获得普利策奖的团队成员之一.

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