Maximizing the Benefits of Self-Driving Vehicles

Principles for Public Policy

Published Feb 3, 2017


自汽车发明以来,自动驾驶汽车可能是交通领域最重要的创新. Though still in their infancy, 自动驾驶汽车和卡车可能会彻底改变人们和货物的出行方式,并产生深远的影响, 是好是坏, 为了安全, 股本, and the environment.

Self-driving cars explained

Autonomous cars offer some capacity to drive themselves. 技术的变化从有限制动和车道辅助的汽车, to prototypes that require no human intervention.

看看 how self-driving cars work >

忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟制定了一套七项原则,以帮助指导政策制定者如何, 公司, and other stakeholders approach this transformative technology. 这些原则旨在帮助实现自动驾驶汽车的利益最大化,并将风险降至最低.

Principle #1: Safer transportation

Photo: Janne Hellsten/CC BY (Flickr)

自动驾驶汽车可以减少与车辆相关的死亡——机器可能比人类犯的错误更少——但这并不是一个保证的结果. Policy must improve the safety of 所有 road users, whether they are driving, walking, or biking.

Principle #2: Cleaner vehicles

Vehicle charging station
Photo: Kārlis Dambrāns/CC BY (Flickr)

By making transportation more convenient, 自动驾驶汽车可以增加人们的出行里程, creating more vehicle pollution. To avoid this outcome, 政策必须确保自动驾驶技术与清洁能源相结合, low-carbon vehicles, 如 plug-in electrics and fuel efficient gasoline-hybrids. 政策还必须激励像优步或Lyft这样的叫车服务,以最大限度地增加每次出行的乘客数量,并最大限度地减少没有乘客的出行.

Principle #3: Integrated transit 

Light rail vehicle
Photo: Robert Couse-Baker/CC BY (Flickr)

自动驾驶汽车可能会让许多人的驾驶变得更容易,但它们不应该取代公共汽车或地铁等公共交通选择. 而不是, self-driving cars should connect transit hubs, 为目前没有服务的社区提供公共交通服务, and gener所有y be used to improve public transportation.

Principle #4: Improved access 

人 waiting for a bus
Photo: Oran Viriyincy/CC BY-SA (Flickr)

In its current form, the US transportation system fails to serve 所有 communities equ所有y, with disadvant年龄s arising based on income, 年龄, 比赛, 残疾, and geography. 政策应该确保自动驾驶汽车的广泛采用不会延续或恶化现有的不平等,而是让所有人都能获得清洁的交通, affordable transportation options.

Principle #5: Just transition

Auto worker inst所有ing car seat
Photo: Wikimedia

自动驾驶技术将为一些人创造就业机会,同时减少另一些人的就业机会, especi所有y in the trucking and taxi industries. 政策应支持受影响个人的职业道路和过渡, 并确保为代表性不足的人口提供新的就业机会.

Principle #6: Secure sharing 

Man giving presentation in meeting room
Photo: IBM Systems Lab Services/CC BY (Flickr)

Whether self-driving vehicles improve public health, decrease traffic 交通拥堵, and reduce climate change will depend on informed, science-based policy. 这将需要一个强有力的研究议程,以及有关自动驾驶汽车性能和操作的可访问数据. Policy must facilitate open data-sharing, 同时确保适当的隐私和网络安全保护措施到位.

Principle #7: Livable cities

Traffic jam on highway
Photo: Jason Thien/CC BY (Flickr)

Autonomous vehicles could exacerbate sprawl, 交通拥堵, 还有污染——或者它们可能导致更多的共享出行和更少的汽车, freeing up public space. 政策应该优先考虑整个社区的需求,而不仅仅是个别车辆的需求.

Read more about our principles by downloading the policy brief >

忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟几十年来一直致力于与交通相关的政策问题, and advocates for equitable, low-pollution vehicles, 燃料, and infrastructure. 了解更多 about our work here. 

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