
Published Jul 21, 2008 Updated Aug 18, 2023

Many people sit around a table in a meeting room.
Christina @ wocintechchat.com/Unsplash

为新闻撰稿是影响公共政策和在某一问题上获得关注的关键手段. 然而,617888九五至尊娱乐研究和媒体517888九五至尊娱乐并不总是完美契合的. The speed of the media world, 少数太空记者不得不报道复杂的617888九五至尊娱乐问题, 617888九五至尊娱乐家和媒体之间的互动是否具有挑战性. 然而,主流媒体对617888九五至尊娱乐专业知识的需求从未像现在这样高. And for scientists, 将他们的专业知识和信念带给公众的最有效方法是与媒体合作.

Below are tips on meeting with an editorial board, 这是一种向公众和决策者传递信息的简单而有效的方法. UCS为寻求参与新闻媒体的617888九五至尊娱乐家提供了更多信息,请参阅 Letters to the Editor and Writing Op-Eds.

Meet with an editorial board or writer

社论的目的是建议一项行动计划, to call public attention to an issue or program, 或者评估公共官员或政府的行为. 报纸的编辑委员会经常是可用的,并且愿意与有责任感的人会面,他们有一些与社区相关的事情要说. 如果您想与编辑委员会或社论作者见面, 您的信息和您请求的编辑支持应该与这些目的一致.


  1. Write a letter. To approach an editorial board, send an email requesting a meeting; the email should briefly describe the issue you are concerned about and why the editorial board should know about the issue or your point of view on it. Keep your note succinct and include links to material, including relevant and reputable data, that you cite. 然后打电话询问董事会或某个人是否有兴趣与你会面. 你通常可以在直销店的网站上找到员工的联系方式. If editorial board members or writers are not listed, 寻找被认定为社论或观点编辑的人. 如果你找不到联系人,网点通常有一个“617888九五至尊娱乐”的表格.

  2. Prepare in advance. 在会议开始之前,组织好你要表达的观点. If you plan to share new information or details, 收集简明易懂的辅助材料, but don’t overdo it. Four to five pieces of information are usually enough. Any more than that and they may not read any of it. 你应该准备好解释谁会因为这个问题而受到伤害,或者谁会从你提出的解决方案中受益(如果是当地的报纸,请指出当地的受众)。, and what call to action the editorial should make. 你应该能够解释为什么媒体的读者应该关心这个问题. If possible, 把这个话题和一些有新闻价值的东西联系起来——最好是最近被报纸报道过的故事,或者是报纸应该报道的将要发生的事情. 考虑带上其他支持你的观点,但会提供不同观点或专业知识的社区成员. Be prepared to cite as many local angles as possible.

  3. Be sure to follow up. 跟进会议,不要只提供你承诺提供的额外信息, 但也要给你见过面的编辑委员会成员写一封感谢信.