
A刘易斯M. 布兰斯科姆论坛|洛杉矶,2013年7月24-25日


The 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐中心 at the Union of Concerned Scientists held its second Lewis M. 布兰斯科姆论坛,2013年7月24日和25日,在洛杉矶. 主题是“水力压裂的617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐和社区决策”."


我们的 水力压裂信息工具包 is for people who want to participate in community decisions about fracking. 这将帮助你提出关键的问题, 区分可靠的信息和虚假的信息, and identify and engage with key stakeholders in your community's decision-making process.

我们的报告,”走向循证辩论:617888九五至尊娱乐, 517888九五至尊娱乐, 以及非常规油气开发中的社区知情权," offers an in-depth look at the state of scientific knowledge about fracking and related technological advances, and discusses barriers to informed participation in community decision-making.


视图 总结视频 以上, 或者点击下面的链接观看完整的网络直播, 加上视频突出非技术和专家的观点.

完整的论坛网络直播 (2:45:35).

水力压裂法的奇特案例 (03:34).

专家和其他人的反思 (05:21).

下载论坛摘要 (PDF)



论坛召集了学术界的主要思想家, 行业, 政府, 非政府组织, and community groups to delve into some of the most complex challenges around fracking, 围绕以下主题:

  • 目前的617888九五至尊娱乐现状和知识差距
  • the current policy and regulatory landscape; and
  • 公众获取信息和公民参与.

该活动由联合国教科文组织联合主办 加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院是其中之一 一系列论坛617888九五至尊娱乐与517888九五至尊娱乐中心 解决对617888九五至尊娱乐作用的限制, evidence-based decision-making and constructive debate in US public discourse and public policy.

有关活动的任何问题或进一步信息,请发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).


Hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") involves drilling a well into shale formations deep underground and injecting millions of gallons of water, 化学物质, and sand under high pressure to break open fissures in the rocks and release oil and natural gas. Recent advances in horizontal drilling and fracking techniques have dramatically changed the country's energy landscape. Fracking makes it easier to reach previously inaccessible oil and natural gas reserves, 导致国内石油和天然气产量的快速增长.

As public attention to fracking has increased significantly over the past few years, policy decisions and public discussions throughout the country have become impassioned and polarized. 意见, 修辞, and approaches to decision making on fracking at both the local and national level are extremely diverse. While some states and towns are restricting fracking as they determine how to proceed, 其他国家则允许以指数级的速度发展. 在很多情况下, fracking projects are moving forward without sufficient consideration or availability of robust and independent scientific information and data. Many people believe that better information and stronger regulations are needed to understand and reduce the potential 环境 and public health risks of fracking.

In policy debates, we hear much discussion about the immense potential for cheaper energy production. Some also perceive the growth in natural gas production as positive news for mitigating climate change, since burning natural gas produces fewer global warming emissions than coal and oil. 然而, 从井中钻探和开采天然气, 以及管道运输, results in the leakage of methane—a far more potent heat-trapping gas than carbon dioxide. And whether natural gas has lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions than coal and oil depends on the assumed leakage rate, 甲烷的时间框架和全球变暖潜力, 能量转换效率, 还有其他因素.

Fracking is also being used to extract oil from unconventional sources such as shale formations, which requires a higher number of drilling wells per barrel of crude oil as compared to conventional oil extraction, leading to potentially higher emissions and 环境 impacts for shale oil extraction. 此外, 水力压裂作业的间接影响, 包括压裂液中大部分未知的成分, 废液的命运和处置, 高水平的淡水消耗, 乡村景观产业化, 交通和空气污染加剧, 以及开采压裂所需的沙子所带来的影响, 提高了公众健康水平, 环境, 经济问题.

A stronger role for independent science to inform public dialogue and decision making on fracking is essential for communities to responsibly approach this complex issue.
