
How Institutional “Good 食物” Procurement Policies Can Shape a 食物 System That’s Better for 人 and Our Planet



美国的食品体系在很多方面都让我们失望. 太多的人无法获得负担得起的健康食品. 食品系统的517888九五至尊娱乐人员经常受到剥削. 农场动物受到虐待,损害了它们和我们的健康. 中型家庭农场正在从我们的农村社区消失, 就业和经济增长也会随之而去. Industrial agriculture pollutes our water, degrades our soil, and accelerates climate change. 有色人种在所有这些负担中承担了不公平的一份.

好消息是解决方案已经有了. 社区和劳工领袖, 农民, and scientists have identified ways to build a system capable of producing "good food" that's healthy, 环境可持续性, 对工人公平, 而且我们所有人都负担得起. But the people who benefit most from the prevailing system—large agribusiness companies and their lobbyists and trade groups—wield outsized influence over the policies that shape it. 



在这场艰苦的战斗中, good food advocates have discovered a secret weapon: institutional food buyers. 像学校这样的大型公共机构, 医院, 监狱每年提供价值1200亿美元的食物, 通常服务于美国最弱势的人群. When these institutions set progressive standards for food procurement—for instance, 要求供应商公平对待工人, 遵守营养指南, and source food whenever possible from local 农民—they give a boost to the good food movement that can reverberate far beyond the populations they serve directly.



我们2017年的报告, 购买力, 以洛杉矶为例, 市内哪些部门和机构, 包括洛杉矶联合学区(LAUSD), have implemented a model called the Good 食物 Purchasing Program (GFPP) over the past five years. The report shows how LAUSD’s adoption of GFPP has brought multiple benefits to Los Angeles and the surrounding areas:

对当地经济和劳动力的影响. Labor organizations such as the Teamsters union and the 食物 Chain Workers Alliance have used LAUSD's policy to organize food system workers, 比如食品分销商金星食品公司的司机. gpp帮助工人赢得了工资增长和更好的517888九五至尊娱乐条件. Local food purchases under GFPP have also helped drive job creation—and 报告发现 that further increases in local food buying would amplify this effect.

环境可持续性改善.  而加州在某些方面是可持续农业的领导者, 该州的农业继续对环境构成威胁, 包括吸热排放, 地下水污染, 自然资源的枯竭. LAUSD已根据gpp采取措施减少其对环境的影响, such as sourcing more food from certified sustainable producers and changing school menus to lower carbon footprints and water use. 减少肉类购买, 例如, 已经将LAUSD的碳足迹降低了约22%.

健康和营养收益. LAUSD operates the largest school breakfast program and second largest school lunch program in the US. 它所服务的许多学生都经历了食品不安全, 这使得学校膳食的质量尤为重要. By following GFPP standards that exceed national school lunch requirements, the district has made changes that will mean longer and healthier lives for the children it serves. 例如, 洛杉矶大学的自助餐厅已经承诺减少钠和加工肉类的供应, and more health-promoting whole grains—dietary changes that can help reduce the risk of diet-related diseases like hypertension, 结肠直肠癌, 2型糖尿病.

改善动物福利. The routine use of antibiotics on healthy animals in livestock production compromises animal well-being and increases the risk of antibiotic resistance, 这使得人类感染的治疗更具挑战性. Good food advocates and consumer groups have been working to make antibiotic-free meat more available and affordable. By including requirements for antibiotic-free chicken in its contract proposals, LAUSD has helped to accelerate progress on this front: between 2015 and 2017, the share of antibiotic-free chicken produced by three of the nation's five largest poultry producers quadrupled. 


A current campaign to expand GFPP to include all of Los Angeles County could amplify its benefits, 报告发现. 以下是一些要点:

  • Expanding GFPP adoption to LA County schools could more than double the benefits to the local economy and the number of jobs created—and increasing the share of food sourced from local suppliers would magnify these benefits further.
  • If all LA County schools adopted GFPP and implemented meat reduction strategies like LAUSD's, 减少的碳足迹相当于7,每年有240辆汽车驶离公路.
  • Moving forward with school lunch sodium targets under GFPP could help reduce blood pressure for an estimated 370,在洛杉矶县的学校系统中有1000名学生, and could protect students against cardiovascular risk factors into adulthood.
